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Restorative Dentistry » Implants

Dental implants are becoming one of the most popular options for replacing missing teeth, although requiring surgical dentistry, therefore the initial cost is higher … an implant will give a long lasting tooth which naturally matches your own teeth, with minimal problems or further, while making you look younger and boosting your confidence.


Surgical Implants can range from one or two teeth to a complete set, as with Paul Gascoigne (photo below).  


Other options for teeth replacement like bridges and dentures are also used to replace missing teeth.


  • Unfortunately bridgework may necessitate having to alter healthy tooth tissue either side of the gap to accommodate for a bridge, thus weakening natural teeth in the mouth further.

  • A denture is removable, and must be removed and soaked over night and cleaned in the morning, and this is often bothersome to some patients.  Also due to wear, dentures may become unstable, leading to sores and discomfort. This instability can also create a lack of confidence due to not knowing when dentures might embarrassingly slip out of place.


Having assessed your particular needs, at Royston Dental Suite we may recommend dental implants as a tooth replacement solution.


We can have a friendly discussion with you about dental implants. Should you be interested, a thorough examination will be carried out to assess the suitability for dental implants. This includes determining the amount of available and stable bone mass in your jaw, and locating positions of anatomical structures, perhaps using a CT-scan to aid the planning phase.


As always, your treatment options and choices will be discussed with you beforehand, and a treatment plan letter will be provided. You will have the opportunity to come and discuss this with your implant surgeon before commencing treatment. Dental implants may be recommended as replacement for one or more of your teeth, depending on the circumstances.


Dental implants offer tremendous benefits to our patients, including

  • Predictable treatment results appearance, feel and functionality of natural teeth

  • Improved facial structure – cheeks, jaw line, lips – a return to more natural, normal lines

  • No more painful chewing allows for improved appetite and taste

  • The reduction or elimination of bone atrophy – commonly associated with tooth loss

  • Your overall quality of life and good health


How do Dental Implants Work?


A missing front tooth. A hole is prepared in the jawbone in stages. An Implant is fitted and a healing cap inserted. When the Implant has healed, the healing cap is exposed and an abutment inserted. A crown is then fitted to the abutment.


When one loses a tooth, two parts of a tooth need to be replaced: the root (under the gum) and crown (above the gum).


For the root replacement, a dental implant uses a tiny titanium cylinder. Titanium is used because it is very “bone friendly” and has the ability to bond with bone in a process known as “Osseo-integration”. This makes it an ideal material for use in dental implants, where the titanium implant cylinder interlocks with the jaw bone in order to serve as a stable, fully functional root. This root can support a single tooth crown or can be support under a denture to prevent embarrassment from a loose denture.


It is important not to wait too long to discuss your tooth replacement options with us, as the available bone in your jaw that is necessary for dental implants will become susceptible to bone atrophy (break down) and can become unsuitable for implants. Part of your consultation examination will involve determining if you have sufficient jawbone density, strength and mass to support and sustain dental implants.


Placement of the tiny titanium “root” is performed using delicately precise surgical techniques. You will be comfortable throughout the dental implant process as your dentist will administer local anaesthesia and the area shall be completely numb. You may also choose to have intravenous sedation to make you more relaxed if you are nervous. Once your implanted “root” is in place, it will need 3-6 months for the process of Osseo-integration (bonding to bone) to take place. Your dentist will determine if a temporary replacement tooth can be set on the implant immediately or if a temporary bridge or denture would be preferable.


Naturally Beautiful Dental Implants


Dental Implants are a tooth replacement option that offers you a nearly natural experience, from the colour-matched tooth to the titanium root bonded to your jawbone; you have the functionality and look of your natural teeth. Once in place, your dental implant becomes a fully functional, very close replacement for your lost tooth with root, natural colour, and strength, but not an exact replica. The implant does not “depend” on other teeth, as a bridge or denture might; and neither does it weaken its environment.


As with your natural teeth, gum tissue supporting your dental implant can suffer from gum diseases, however, with proper care and cleaning, plus routine check-ups, your dental implant and replacement tooth can last for many years. Patients have been known to enjoy the benefits of their dental implants for 

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